
Showing posts from April, 2022

A brief discussion on the spitzer space telescope

                                                                                             Space telescopes have always been a great deal for astronomical observations in the last 3 decades. We have achieved miraculous observational data that helped us find the mysteries that had been hiding from our eyes all these years. One must be wondering, why exactly do we need to launch a telescope to space whereas astronomers around the globe have found equally amazing information from the ground-based telescopes? To be fair and honest, ‘equally amazing’ is slightly exaggerated, and here’s why. Our atmosphere has always kept us safe from many unwanted harmful rays throughout all these years. However, the atmospheric phenomena are very random and mostly unpredictable. Have you ever noticed the twinkling of stars? Why exactly does it happen? Due to the atmospheric turbulence, the refractive index of the atmosphere in a particular region may vary spontaneously, and hence for a given incid