
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Physics behind the stability of Degenerate Stars

  Introduction:   A star from the day it is formed undergoes multiple phases until no more fuel, that keeps it going, ends. A star is stabilized by the process of stellar nucleosynthesis, i.e., the process of creation of chemical elements within the core of a star by the process of Nuclear Fusion. A star is mostly made up of hydrogen atoms and when this concentration of hydrogen atoms is maximum or more than the percentage of composition of other elements, the star is said to be relatively younger. The process of nuclear fusion helps in fusing the hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms which again fuses to produce heavier mass atoms and along with this fusion process, there is an extreme amount of thermal energy released which plays a significant role in the stability of a star. The thermal energy so released, exerts a large amount of thermal radiation pressure on the star in an outward direction, and this balances out the gravitational pressure exerted by the star on itself and h