
Showing posts from June, 2023

Evolution of Quantum mechanics, A quick Summary

  The most significant development in science has happened in the last 100 years and definitely, it's something we can't deny. The last 100 years have been very very important for modern physics and technology because not only was our knowledge challenged but also, reality transformed for humanity in such a way that we can't really even look back without appreciating the efforts of some influential group of scientists that changed the way that we see the world.  It is believed that the 1st ever experiment that later became the foundation of  quantum mechanics is the most famous experiment, Young's double slit experiment in 1803. Thomas Young is one of the most brilliant minds that the world of science has gotten. He started off as a Physician and something about waves and light always intrigued him. In his career as a physician, he was the first one to notice that the shape of the human eye changes to focus the light incident on the eye at varying distances from the sou